Python Fabric 101

python fabric的简单介绍, 详细请参考官网

python fabric是神码

  1. python fabric是一个纯python的library.


    fabric脚本其实就是python脚本, 函数调用即python函数调用.

  2. python fabric是一个ssh的library.

    通过fabric, 我们可以:

    • ssh登录远程目标机器 (指定ssh用户名和密码,自动登录).
    • 远程目标机器上执行各种命令,包括sudo命令.
      • 可以在远程机器上执行各种Linux基本命令.

        // mkdir on remote server.
        run('mkdir /tmp/blabla')
      • 可以上传文件至远程目标机器

        // upload files in local_path to remote server, under remote_path
        put(local_path=, remote_path=, mirror_local_mode=True/False )
      • fabric可以修改远端目标机器上的文件

        // append your ssh public key to remote server $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
        append(remote_authorized_keys, key)
      • 并行在N个远程目标机器运行命令, 批量+并行
      • 在本地机器上执行各种命令.
  3. python fabric的常见应用场景

    • 脚本化在N个远程机器上 安装部署环境


  1. 在远端机器上创建文件夹

     def create_dir(parent="/tmp", path="xifeng"):
         mkdir on remote server(s)
         full_path = "%s/%s" % (parent, path)
         #delete first then create
         run ("echo rm %s" % full_path)
         run("rm -rf %s 2>/dev/null" % (full_path))
         run ("echo mkdir %s" % full_path)
         run("mkdir -p %s " % (full_path))


     fab -H host1,host2 --user=root --password=paassword --parallel --pool-size=8 create_dir
     fab -H host1,host2 --user=root --password=password --parallel --pool-size=8 create_dir:path="/tmp"
  2. 上传ssh证书至远程机器

     def push_public_key(key_file='~/.ssh/'):
         push ssh public key to remote server(s).
         remote_authorized_keys = "/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % env.svc_user
         def _read_key_file(key_file):
             key_file = os.path.expanduser(key_file)
             with open(key_file) as f:
             key = _read_key_file(key_file)
             with settings(warn_only=True):
                 # check if the public exists on remote server.
                 ret = run("grep -q '%s' '%s'" %  (key, remote_authorized_keys))
                 if ret.return_code == 0:
                     append(remote_authorized_keys, key)
                     run("chmod 600 %s" % remote_authorized_keys)


详细参见fab -h

  1. print list of possible commands and exit

     -l, --list print list of possible commands and exit
  2. comma-separated list of hosts to operate on

     -H HOSTS, --hosts=HOSTS
  3. username to user when connecting to remote hosts

     -u USER, --user=USER
  4. passwor for use with authentication and/or sudo

     -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD


  1. local: 在本地执行命令
  2. run: 在远端机器执行命令
  3. sudo: 用sudo在远端机器执行命令
  4. cd: 切换至某文件夹
  5. put: 上传文件至远端机器
  6. env/settings: 设置环境变量

python fabric的安装

  1. yum install -y fabric

    fabric.noarch : A simple Pythonic remote deployment tool

fabric VS ansible

  1. fabric简单到不能再简单了
Written on February 14, 2019